Your Body | Rekindling the Flame

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I like to begin every coaching session by asking clients to tap into their intuition. Most of us instinctively know what our body needs, but we are afraid to trust that feeling. This subtle act of distrust eventually snowballs until we find ourselves continually looking for answers in all the wrong places – the latest diet and fitness fads, the newest anti-aging creams, and the list goes on – without ever questioning whether these things are right for us. We are disconnected from our bodies and too often this feeds confusion, insecurities, and feelings of low self worth. But we can end this cycle by stepping into our power and re-establishing the connection with our body that we so desperately need. I know it sounds daunting, especially when our first impulse is to view our body as foe rather than friend, but simple acts of self-love completed on a daily basis can make a world difference.

Here are a few favorites in my toolbox:


Whether performed by a professional, your partner, or yourself, massage is INCREDIBLE for making you feel at home in your body again. Make time for this no judgment, feel good act as often as you can.


This is not your every day breathing. Breath work is an active practice that asks you to breathe like a child again focusing on long, deep exhales. The sheer physicality of the practice will leave your body feeling engaged, enlightened, and really, really tingly (in the best way). Here is one of my favourite practitioners.


A far cry from traditional power yoga, yin yoga requires you to hold a pose for 3 to 5 minutes. During this time, you will access muscles and tendons in a brand new way. Most importantly, the time spent in each pose allows for active, meditative-type reflection.

Each of these practices might make you feel uncomfortable initially, but they are incredibly grounding and centering. These practices require you to focus on your body as a whole, rather than obsessing over individual features. Challenge your feelings of low self worth, step out of your comfort zone, and reconnect with the intelligence that exists within. Best of all, there is no better time to re-establish that connection then during this fun and frantic holiday season!


Megan Schwarz is an attorney turned female hormonal health advocate. In 2016, she trained at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to be a holistic health coach. She then completed a 6-month apprenticeship with Nicole Jardim focused on women’s reproductive health. Additionally, she completed a 6-month apprenticeship with Brittany Wood Nickerson studying western herbalism and herbal medicine. Through one-on-one sessions and group workshops, she offers clients dietary, lifestyle, and hormonal support focused on inflammatory skin issues, such as hormonal acne, rosacea, and hyperpigmentation.

instagram: @meganaschwarz
facebook: @meganaschwarz16

image | @thebalancedblonde

A note from HH founder, Tara: I particularly love this post since as many of you know, I coach Intuitive Eating in my nutrition practice. My clients come to me with various levels of attunement to (or awareness of) their bodies. Each of the practices Megan has noted serves to build this connection, making it easier to listen to how they are feeling and what is it they need – food or otherwise. All three also force us to slow down and take some time for ourselves – which is sometimes what we need the most.

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