Founder Feature: Jamie of Eastwood Wellness Co.

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Jamie! How lucky are we to have Eastwood Wellness Co. nestle up with us in our College St. shop starting this February?! We’re so excited to introduce Eastwood Wellness Co.’s RMT massage therapy and registered acupuncture services to Health Hut in the west end of Toronto.

HH: We love a good story, can you share with us what moment(s) inspired Eastwood Wellness Co. into being?

JAMIE: In October 2019, I attended an entrepreneur camp for women (think parent trap vibes but with 100 creative amazing women!). On the first night, we were told to write down something we wanted to let go of and toss it into the campfire. I quickly jotted down “not fitting in” with a sharpie on a little piece of scrap paper, took a deep breath, and tossed it in the flames. One week later I was let go from a place I just started working at as an RMT for not being the right fit. I knew then I wanted to create a space where all people felt like they belonged.

HH: As a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) yourself, what is something you wish everyone knew?

JAMIE: Body hair is normal and we don’t care that you didn’t shave your legs! Also, if you don’t feel comfortable or aren’t enjoying your massage, you can stop the treatment, you won’t hurt our feelings.

HH: You opened your doors in 2020 with a commitment to prioritizing wellness services to folks of all body sizes, shapes and abilities. What can clients expect when they come in for a body-centred service?

JAMIE: We prioritize judgment-free care for all bodies which means that you will never hear diet talk, recommend weight loss, or body shame in the treatment room. All of our therapists and practitioners are highly skilled at providing care based on your specific needs and homecare based on your abilities. You can expect to feel seen and heard by your therapist and leave feeling like you got exactly what you came for!

HH: Founding and running a high-integrity business requires a lot of thought and energy. What practices or rituals keep you feeling good?

JAMIE: It sure does! My morning practice has been a game changer for starting the day in a calm and centred place. I practice some kind of movement which usually includes some combination of yoga, pilates, and dance. I also pull an oracle card and usually use that as an inspiration or prompt for my daily journaling. Getting back into pottery to reignite my relationship with my creative side has also been keeping my cup full!

HH: We’ve so appreciated how open and honest you are about your journey of body acceptance (head on over to @eastwoodwellnessco). If you could give three pieces of advice to your younger self, what would you say?

JAMIE: Bodies are meant to be different and diverse and yours is worth celebrating! Your body is desirable and you are so worthy of love exactly as you are. Trust and listen to your body - she knows you best!

HH: It’s Saturday morning and you’re not going to work. What are you doing on your day off?

JAMIE: The best Saturdays are about good food and even better company. I start with coffee in bed, taking my two pups for a walk and grabbing a delicious pastry (and maybe a second coffee!) from Conci.

Staying in and cooking or going out, I like to have a fancy-ish dinner on Saturday night either solo or with friends. Some of my fave local restaurants are Lake Inez, Nodo, or Athens. My current go-to cookbooks are Cook This Book (Molly Baz), Cook As You Are (Ruby Tandoh), and Greece The Cookbook (Vefa Alexiou).


  • Oil or cream cleanser? Oil
  • Bath or shower? I love a hot bath in the winter, and cool showers in the summer :)
  • Salty or sweet? This just isn't fair haha
  • Cook or take-out? I looove to cook!
  • Coffee or tea? Coffee in the morning, tea in the evening!
  • Morning or night? I’m an early bird
  • City or country? Country person at heart
  • Summer or winter? Summer nights are the best!
  • Binge-worthy show? Loot
  • Toronto eatery? Lake Inez
  • Local shop? Health Hut!
  • Evening snack? Snack plate (cheese, crackers, pickles)
  • Ritual when you get home? Change into sweats, make a snack, throw on a show and cuddle with the pups.
  • Activity to wind down? A hot bath + a stretch sesh with moody music
  • Beverage? Homemade soy chai latte (with Spice Girl Eats concentrate!)


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