All hail the purifying power of wild, wondrous honey! Sourced from the nectar of happy honeybees, the wildflower honey in this Frankincense Honey Mask moisturizes skin to a sublime supple state while renewing wisdom skin and relaxing redness. Drench the face in Living Libation's Frankincense Honey for cleansing, leave on as a mask or combine with their Perfect Pearl Powder or Rosemary Reset Mask for even more opulent exfoliation.
When hydrating honey is combined with fortifying Frankincense, calming Cape Chamomile and replenishing Immortelle, you get a honey-dream of perfectly smooth skin. Let the Frankincense Honey Mask inspire the graceful renewal of your face.
SIZE: 30ml
All hail the purifying power of wild, wondrous honey! Sourced from the nectar of happy honeybees, the wildflower honey in this Frankincense Honey Mask moisturizes skin to a sublime supple state while renewing wisdom skin and relaxing redness. Drench the face in Living Libation's Frankincense Honey for cleansing, leave on as a mask or combine with their Perfect Pearl Powder or Rosemary Reset Mask for even more opulent exfoliation.
When hydrating honey is combined with fortifying Frankincense, calming Cape Chamomile and replenishing Immortelle, you get a honey-dream of perfectly