Back To School (and Work): 5 Ways to Get Excited!

Posted by Health Hut on

September always seems to mark a new beginning and a fresh start. Whether that be the beginning of the new school year, a new work routine, or simply the end of a an active summer season and the return to a slower pace of life. 

To welcome this transition, we've put together some tips to inspire and excite you as you embrace your new schedule.

1. Up your lunch game.

Get excited about your mid-day break and say goodbye to disposable lunch containers with these beautiful and waste-free options.

Porter Lunch Bowls

Junes Bags - Health hut

2. Take your morning beverage on the go.

Whether you are a tea, coffee, smoothie - or all of the above kinda person, we've got some great options for you to take your morning beverage on the go, minus the single use container.

 Kinto Travel Tumbler - Health Hut

Looking to add some variety to your morning bevies? Check out some of our favourites: 


3. Cozy up your space. 

Many of us spend just as much time at school or work than anywhere else, so if you have the option to add a few cozy touches that will help you feel your best throughout the day, we're all about it.

+ our locally grown bouquets offered until mid-October

    Fenwick Candles - Health Hut

    4. Find inspiration on your commute. 

    Listening to podcasts or reading a book can become a special thing to look forward to during what can otherwise be a mundane morning or evening ride.  Whether it be for pleasure or education, our book selection gives you great options.


      5. Pause and take some "you" time.

      Small moments can bring great pleasure to your day.  Taking a second to apply an aromatherapy balm or roll-on to your temples or wrists can create a spa-like calm anytime you need it.

      Leaves of Trees - Headache Bam - Health Hut

      And once the day is done, who doesn't love hopping into the bath?  Add one of these guys to make it extra relaxing.

      We want to hear from you! What's your favourite part about this time of year? Leave us a comment below.  

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